Thursday 2 August 2012

Week 15 Update

So I found this weekly update on pregnancy- a few questions for each week-  It looked fun and like an interesting way to keep track of the pregnancy so here I go- welcome to week 15!
How far along? 15 weeks

Maternity clothes? Not yet... though if you thought I wore alot of dresses before... you have no idea
Exercising: Trying my best- but unfortunately due to the late work shifts it's been hard to get out- this weekend though Wes and I are heading up north to my grandparents cottage- should be a time for lots of walks and swimming!

Stretch marks? Bleh. yes.
Sleep: Getting harder... I tend to sleep with a pillow holding up one leg and on my side, though I move around all night to get comfortable
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby Marshall for the first time!
Have you told family and friends: Yes (hence the blog..) for those who know me and Wes, we don't keep secrets long- in fact I got my birthday present already (yes a month early- a video camera for the new baby and for African Lion Safari and our cottage weekend:) ) ... so yes... we didn't hold out on telling people.
Miss Anything? Meh.. I didn't drink much before... so no change there.-- I'm going to miss cliff jumping at the cottage but better safe than sorry!

Movement: I have had a few times when I thought I felt something... it's just hard to tell if it's just my stomache rumbling or the baby as of now though
Food cravings:  Not yet... is that weird?

Anything making you queasy or sick: It's weird but when I cough, changing garbage-- nothing foodwise though that I have found yet
Have you started to show yet: I say yes.. others think I just am snacking too much lately... the worst.
Gender prediction: I'm thinking girl, not sure why but just because (though a boy would be wonderful as well!)

Labor Signs: I hope not!
Belly Button in or out? In... I didn't realize this could change?

Wedding rings on or off? On, but definitely getting tighter!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I say happy, after work when I'm tired though..not as happy... sorry Wes...
Looking forward to: The cottage!  I love weekends away with Wes, and we didn't get a chance to go last year so it will be nice to have a weekend away before I start to get really big (though I am looking forward to showing as well... I'm not a big fan of this middle stage)
Not loving: The hot weather... don't get me wrong I love summer, just keeping it under 25 is perfect!


  1. You're so lucky you're not feeling any queasiness. I had morning sickness for the first 14 weeks or so and it was dreadful! What a blessing you don't have to experience that! And that rumbling just might be the baby. :) I started feeling my daughter around 16 weeks, just slight butterfly-type movements. And your belly button may not change at all. Mine never popped out. :)

    1. I had a bit, but for the most part I defiantely lucked out! --- although I wish I had a few more symptoms since we didn't hear a heartbeat or have an ultrasound until this week so I was half worried the whole time --- haha I had never heard of the belly button thing until recently... learn something new everyday:)
