Friday 21 September 2012

Motion 312

This has been a matter that has been coming up in many things I have been reading and I decided to share a post from {Our Nest In the City}. As I am expecting a child- this is a matter that is very near and dear to my heart.  I understand not everybody shares my view on this topic, and I understand and respect that.  However, I would ask that if you do- please make the call and let your opinion be known.  I plan to call today.  Each person's opinion counts. 

There are only 5 days remaining until the vote on Motion 312 in Parliament (which would form a committee to investigate giving Canadian babies human rights before they are born). Information about the motion can be found here

If you care about this issue I urge you to please call your MP's office, and our Prime Minister's office (613 992 4211) and leave a message identifying yourself as a Canadian citizen and asking them to vote in favour of Motion 312. If you're not sure exactly what to say, see instructions here.  It only takes two minutes. This is a rare and urgent opportunity to act, and the vote is happening next week. Our politicians need to know that there are Canadians who value the lives of babies before they are born. Babies DO feel pain before term - but they aren't able to speak for themselves. 
I can feel my child moving in me many times throughout the day.  There is not a doubt in my mind that there is a living baby inside of me.  I want what is best for my child, as well as the many other million of unborn babies in Canada.  Please take the time and make a difference for those babies who do not yet have a voice.   

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