Tuesday 31 July 2012

Testimony Tuesday- Meet Joanna

Joanna has been a good friend for many years since we met at Girl's Camp at Joy Bible Camp years ago.  This girl defines what a servant heart is, and even after going through many personal struggles, she was always there to talk to and is never found without a smile on her face.  It has been such a blessing to be a part of Joanna's life, and I can't wait for everybody to Meet Joanna. 

When I was three years old, I was with my oldest brother and we were looking at a picture bible.  We got to the part when Jesus was crucified and I asked him what that was. He answered me and led me to the Lord by his bed.  Later on when I was around nine and a half I was sexually abused for a few years almost everyday.  That was such a hard time in my life it seemed like everything was falling apart around me. I became suicidal for a few years and depressed for about a nether 5-6 years. I would cut myself and burn my skin.. I hated God for letting something so bad happen to me. Even in between all this I would go to Joy Bible Camp (where I know Bre from) and I would always seem to find strength there. (My Grandfather would always go there for years so it already has tons of good memories)   About 2 years ago I went on antidepressant pills.  I have now been off of them for over a year now. Only by Gods grace am I able to forgive myself and move on to greater plans I know he has for me.

Joanna and her Papa

Two years ago my Grandpa died at the age of 92. I was very close to him. I would always be able to make him laugh and we would have a ball of a time. That was so hard for me to grasp that he really was gone to be with the Lord. Even the day of the funeral some people would come up to us and ask if he was the one who would always read his Bible everywhere.. We would just say yes, that's the one.  Through that I have been able to go through his Bible and find strength like he always did. I am now free and moving on in life and growing more and more with God.

Another big part of my life is Cuba.. I have been taking mission trips to cuba every 6 months. I have a papa and mama down there.. Its because of them praying for me every day that I am where I am today. They have such a big heart for me and I for them. I thank God every day for them.

Thanks for taking just a bit of time to read this.


  1. Wow Joanna! What a powerful story.
    God is so good.
    Thanks for sharing <3

  2. Thanks Brooke... He sure is. :)

    oh no, Thanks to Bre for letting me share this!


    1. It's your story- I just gave you an outlet to share it:) and thank you for doing that:)
