Wednesday 14 November 2012

5 Things You Shouldn't Say to A Pregnant Woman

The past few weeks, I feel as though my pregnancy has really kicked in (until now I have completely lucked out symptom wise).   Now I am constantly tired, sore and Baby Girl just keeps on growing (which is a good thing, but not so good to my sore back).  It is at the point strangers are noticing I am pregnant, which is great... but also brings along some comments that maybe aren't worded in the best of ways.     

Here are some tips for those people talking to pregnant woman that you should avoid:

  1. "Wow that is one big baby!"/ "You must be due any day" (when in all reality the person may still be months away from the due date)/ anything relating to such sayings
    • Now, it's fine to say these things in certain ways- just be mindful of how you say them.  No need to let me know how much bigger I have gotten.  I know.  One way to say it nicely perhaps is "What a cute baby bump"/ "You are really coming along well!", etc.
  2. "Don't worry the labour really isn't as bad as they say" 
    • Everybody has different experiences with giving birth.  Some are more painful and last longer than others.  But especially to a first-time pregnant woman, no need to remind them of the pain or underplay it.  It will most likely hurt, but in the end it will all be absolutely worth it.
  3. "Why do you look so tired?"
    • I've been exhausted these last few weeks, I look tired because I am tired.  I am growing a human being inside myself.  Please don't ask why I am tired... I just am.
  4. "Was it planned?"
    • I have made my feelings on this statement clear in a previous blog post Unexpected Blessing.  I won't say more.
  5. "Get used to no sleep, no date nights, no _______, once the baby comes it will all change"
    • I know it will change, I am excited for that change.  I understand parenting is hard, but no need to remind me that my whole life is going to change within a few short weeks.


  1. Can I just say my favourite is "I'm tired because I'm growing a human being inside of me!"

    I think that's a pretty valid excuse.
