Friday 30 November 2012

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 weeks (plus a day... but who's counting?) !

Maternity clothes? I have my few that I am sticking with... looking for a jacket as mine is currently only able to cover my back... unfortunately I am too cheap to buy a maternity coat for $80+ seeing as I only have a bit of time left.....

Exercising: Started length swimming again this week.  So strange as it's the first time I have swam since the baby has gotten noticeable larger.  It's like swimming with a giant package hanging from your belly... had to keep switching between the strokes on your front vs. backstroke...
Stretch marks? Yes... I don't have the "cute baby belly" unfortunately but it will all be worth it in the end!

Sleep: fine when I get to sleep...2/3 hours after I go to bed... then again after I go the bathroom the 5 times at night...
Best moment this week: It was really nice going to my friend's wedding shower and seeing a few people I haven't seen in a while!  That and the parenting Bible study we started this week- very excited for the rest of the study!

Have you told family and friends: Yep.

Miss Anything? My jogs... I used to jog 3/4 times a week for a few km at a time... now I can walk a block and I'm sore/tired....  

Movement: All the time.  (well there's a few times she takes breaks but not often).   She's running out of room in there though as shes more just rolling now. 

Food cravings: nothing weird....
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anything in particular-- yet still getting sick (which is weird as I had no such problems in Trimester 1)

Have you started to show yet: Most definitely-- strangers are starting to notice (except those on the bus... Note: if a pregnant girl has to stand on the bus for 1 hr straight -- please offer your seat-- or at least don't push her into the handle bars when you try to get past... just saying. ) 

Gender prediction: No longer a prediction. It's a girl!! 
Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? in but I don't think for much longer
Wedding rings on or off? off (wearing them on my neck though)

Happy or Moody most of the time: Ask Wes, I feel as though my judgement on this may be a bit bias....

Looking forward to: The weekend!  Classes are basically over, baby shower and just a weekend off before the hated exam time starts.
Not loving: Sore back, sore ribs. just soreness.  

1 comment:

  1. Sweet baby girl on the way. Congrats, Maybe you can find a shawl or poncho to use as a coat.

    Hope all continues to go well. Bless you!
