Lately, God has really been teaching me about true servanthood (seriously, he shows me little aspects EVERYWHERE I go).
At a local youth church last week, they went over the parable of the goats vs the sheep (not familiar with it? Check it out:
Math 25:31-46 ). Now, for many people who grew up in a church, this idea is all very nice, we are supposed to give to the poor, and love others. We have heard these stories many times. But here's the thing, how often do we actually act on what we have heard?
I know for me I have given money to charities and helped with small events. But often, my heart is not in the right place when I do this. I help with the small events, in order to better my resume, I give money to charities but only the bare minimum in order that I will have enough money for my own activities later on.
The sheep in the parable Jesus gave, had a true genuine love for others. They took time out of their day and ensured that they were not just doing the bare minimum but were able to use their gifts and blessings that God had given them to show his love to others.
Now throughout the past few weeks, God has given me some opportunities to show his love to others (they seem to pop out everywhere once you start looking for them). Only a few days after hearing this sermon, I was walking downtown one day after work, coming home from the local Christian bookstore. I was stopped by a homeless woman who was looking for something to eat. I was on my way through my usual excuse (you know the "I'm sorry but I don't have any change on me " excuse, which this time was true but I didn't even check before spitting out the sentence). As soon as I started to speak, I knew God was trying to tell me something. Here I was walking out of a store that was filled with books about God's love, yet when it was time to put it in practice I was the first one to get out of the situation. Afterwards I told the lady that although I had no cash, I would grab her something if she was able to wait for a moment. She made sure to thank me, but I really think she taught me much more than I could have ever hoped for. For me, I am able to give to others in foreign countries, but the moment I have to bring it to my own town, I stop.
Jesus says that whatever we do the the least of his brothers and sisters we do unto him.
And that's exactly what he did. He loved each and every single person and made sure he went out of his way to show the Father's love to them.
So on my way to learning about being a servant, I learned that a servant heart does not serve others out of their own selfishness but in fact it is a way of worship that we can do unto Jesus.