If ever there has been a year of change, this has been it!
God has been so good and has truly blessed us this year, even through all the ups and downs.
Within the first week of 2015, Wes and I found out we were expecting once again. Though Peyton didn't quite understand, she soon did as Mommy's belly started to grow bigger and bigger and eventually the baby started to kick.
We took Peyton to the Toronto Zoo in April, she loved seeing the animals and especially the giraffes and monkeys!
During the summer, we were so excited to see Wes' sister Emily and her fiance Nathan get married. Peyton was the flowergirl and I was able to stand in the bridal party. It was wonderful having Nathan join the family, and seeing Emily so happy to be with the man God set out for her.
Another wedding that I was able to take part in was Elisabeth and Andrew's wedding. It was so great to see one of my oldest of friends get married and be able to take part in the day!
Individually, God has also shown his faithfulness and we are loving seeing His plan for each of us.
Wes continued to work for my Dad and is gaining more knowledge in the masonry trade each and every day. Though he is hard at work most days, it makes the time he is home even more special. Peyton runs into his arms each night, and I love seeing the two of them laugh together. He was able to take time off in September for a week after Ashlynn was born (and thank goodness he did as recovery would have been a nightmare without his help).
I did my last course from Jan-April, and finally in June I graduated both from Queens with a Bachelor of Education and UWaterloo with a Bachelor of Mathematics. It still seems a bit surreal (and I still have nightmares about missing deadlines for assignments). It was a long 6 year run but I am so glad I stuck with finishing my education. I continued to work both teaching piano and at the pool, until August when I left for my mat leave.
Peyton has become an independant little girl who loves to explore and try new things. She continues to make us laugh each day with everything she says. She is stubborn just like her Mom, which causes some disagreements at time, but it really has been amazing seeing how she is growing up into her own little person. It has been great taking part in local playgroups and activities and seeing Peyton make friends. In the summer, Peyton started to take a Tiny Tots dance class. She loves going to dance each week and will show off her moves throughout the week.
On September 26, we welcomed Ashlynn Grace Marshall into our lives. She ended up being 12 days late before we finally decided to kick her out via c-section. She is truly a quiet loving character. She loves observing all around her and every now and again she shows her beautiful smile to let us know she is watching and absorbing everything around her. It has been wonderful to see the difference in personalities of our two girls, even so early on. On November 1, we had many of our family members come and watch as Wes and I dedicated Ashlynn to the Lord. It was such a nice day with family, and we were able to vow to bring Ashlynn up in a loving, stable, Christian environment and teach her about our Lord Jesus Christ.
We continue to work on making our house a home, and it has been hard to believe we have now been in our house almost a year and a half! It has been such a blessing to live in the same place for a longer period of time and we have loved getting involved at New Covenant, and meeting new people whom we can pursue relationships with, rather than having to move every few months.
I honestly was not sure if I would ever graduate.
God was so good and allowed me to finish school, work and spend time with my beautiful daughter. |
Our Halloween costumes- Peyton was Elsa and couldn't be more excited (she had a matching wig even!)
and I made Ashlynn a matching Olaf costume:) |
Ashlynn Grace Marshall at 1 week old |
Peyton LOVES her sister and tells me often how they are best friends.
"Mmmmm.. Ashwinn..." |
One of our maternity shots in August (36.5 weeks pregnant here) |
Emily's wedding-she made a gorgeous bride! |
Another stunning bride- we three have been the best of friends as long as I can remember.
So grateful for friends like these. |
Even through the kids, school and work,
this year we have had to learn it is still so vital to take time for ourselves and as a couple. |
3 friends whom just happened to all be pregnant at the same time as me (again!) |
Ashlynn just minutes old |
She's growing up so fast.
Showing off her craft from Rainbow tots group at church. |
They don't always sleep this well... but when they do I find myself staring at them in awe. |
Wes and I at the Sterk wedding.
So nice to get these dates alone! |
Being silly a few weeks before 3 turned into 4. |