Wednesday 13 November 2013

Christmas Shopping

This Christmas will be Peyton's first Christmas.
I am so excited, but I am realizing how costly Christmas can get.

I realize that in many cases, Peyton will not even realize what she is opening
(in fact she is more likely to like the wrapping of the gift rather than the gift itself),
But I still want to make this Christmas special for her.

So how am I doing this on a student budget?

  1. I have been a crocheting machine these last few months, I have made Peyton many various crochet hats, stuffed animals and a Christmas stocking.  I find these gifts are most likely the gifts that will be treasured in the future as well.  
  2. Mom 2 Mom Sales- Often these sales can have many hidden gems.  Since summer, I have been going to various sales and slowly collecting small gifts such as building blocks, clothes, etc. 
  3. Buy necessities- We have decided we are going to fill Peyton's stocking with items such as cloth diapers, wipes, food, etc.  These are items that you will have to buy anyway- why not add them to the stocking?
  4. SAMKO WAREHOUSE- We checked out this toy warehouse the other day and found many brand new books for $1 each.  They also have discounted toys but I found myself gravitating towards their books.  Books are always great as they don't take up a lot of room in our tiny apartment and they are great for children to be introduced to literacy (being a teacher I love books)
  5. Pictures- Though we haven't bought Peyton a lot of photos, in the past I have done my photo related gifts as they are often cheaper and more memorable. 
  6. Gift Exchanges- This is a great way to have a good time with friends and/or family yet only have to buy one gift (that often is more thoughtful as more time can be given to think about one gift rather than a bunch of different gifts)
What ways do you save money during the Christmas season?

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